Talent Bank Form (Volunteer)

Local Government needs citizens to give of their time and talents serving the Town of Uxbridge.  This Talent Bank Form has been established to compile a list of interested citizens who are voluntarily willing to serve on boards, commissions, and committees.  Some groups meet often, others require less time, and still others are busy only at specific times of the year.  If you are interested in serving, please complete the form and hit submit.  Once we are in receipt of your form, we will review and reach out to you to discuss your form and setup a meeting date to meet with the Town Manager or inform you of a date that the Board of Selectmen will review. Should you have any questions, please email: ewelch@uxbridge-ma.gov. or call the Town Manager's office at 508.278-8600, Ext. 7.   Thank you for volunteering! 

Please select the Board(s) and/or Committee(s) that you are interested in. (Limit 6 per application). If there is a Board/Committee that is not listed, please select "Other" and note the Board/Committee in the "Additional Comments" tab.  To select more than one, click and then hold down the shift and control and click your next committee and repeat process. 

Click Here for a Description of Boards/Committees 

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