Chapter 90 Pavement Management Program

Chapter 90 Program

The Chapter 90 Program was enacted on March 23, 1973, by vote of the Public Works Commission to entitle Municipalities to reimbursement of documented expenditures under the provisions of General Laws, Chapter 90, Section 34, Clause 2(a) on approved Projects. The Funds provided from Transportation Bond Issues authorizes such Capital Improvement Projects for Highway Construction, Preservation and Improvement Projects that create or extend the life of Capital Facilities.

Chapter 90 is the primary funding source for roadway, signals, bridge and culvert maintenance.  This page is intended to provide the public with an overview of the Town's Pavement Management Program and associated activities.

Pavement Management System

A number of years ago the Department of Public Works developed a pavement management system (PMS) to meet the needs of our roadway network.  A pavement management system is a set of tools for providing, evaluating, and maintaining pavement is a serviceable condition over a period of time.

What does a PMS entail?

First and foremost, it is an system wide inventory of our roadway network.  Building upon the inventory, a condition survey is conducted based on historical information and current conditions.  The PMS allows the user to set budget limits, repair strategies and repair alternatives.  All these items are used to extend the dollars available for road maintenance by selecting "The right treatment - on the right road - at the right time!"

Important Documents