Summary of Responsibilities

Subsection A. Capital Planning Committee - As authorized under Chapter 81 of the Acts of 2002, the Town of Uxbridge hereby changes the composition of the Capital Planning Committee created thereunder, as follows: The committee shall consist of an odd number of citizens of Uxbridge, not less than five (5), who shall be voting members, appointed by the Town Manager. The Town Manager and the Town Treasurer shall be participating, but non-voting members. The Town Manager shall establish the terms of all appointments, not to exceed three (3) years. As further authorized under Chapter 81 of the Acts of 2002, the town may change the composition of this committee by majority vote at any annual or special town meeting.

The Capital Planning Committee shall recommend, to the Town, policies relative to the funding of capital projects through appropriations from the Capital Improvement Trust Fund or other funds available to the Town, and shall annually recommend priorities and schedules for such capital projects.

Subsection B. Capital Improvement Plan - The capital planning committee shall make timely reports, at least annually, to the Town Manager. The Annual Report to the Town Manager shall be at such time as the Town Manager directs, consistent with other reporting requirements established by the Town Charter, and shall include at least:

  • a clear and concise general summary of its contents;
  • a list of all capital improvements and/or purchases proposed to be undertaken during the next ensuing five (5) fiscal years, with supporting information as to the need for each capital improvement and/or capital purchase;
  • cost estimates, methods of financing and recommended time schedules for each improvement and/or capital purchase;
  • the estimated annual cost of operating and maintaining each facility and piece of major equipment involved in the improvement and/or capital purchase; and
  • such other information as shall be required by the Town Manager and/or policies set by the Board of Selectmen.