Town Accountant

Summary of Responsibilities

The Office is responsible for maintaining and administering a financial accounting and management information system that provides accurate, complete, and timely information pertaining to all financial activities of town departments, agencies, commissions, and authorities. The Accountant is responsible for oversight of fiscal compliance with all local, state, and federal statutes, regulations, and other mandates, as well as adherence to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and sound internal control procedures as prescribed by Generally Accepted Governmental Auditing Standards (GAGAS).

  • Certification of availability of funds
  • Detailed records as prescribed by statute
  • "Free Cash" Certification
  • Periodic State and Federal mandated reporting
  • Internal control review and audit administration
  • Appropriation and Expenditure review and controls
  • Vendor payment review, audit, preparation and disbursement

 Contact the Town Accountant

Chapter 41, Section 55: Town accountant; tenure; powers and duties
Section 55. Any town may authorize the selectmen to appoint a town accountant, who shall perform the duties and possess the powers of town auditors as defined in sections fifty to fifty-three, inclusive. In towns so authorizing the appointment of a town accountant the office of town auditor may, if the town so vote, be abolished. In towns which have accepted chapter thirty-one or corresponding provisions of earlier laws, the appointment of the town accountant shall be subject to the civil service rules. The town accountant shall be sworn to the faithful performance of his duties, shall hold no other town office involving the receipt or disbursement of money, shall hold office for three years and until a successor is qualified; provided, however, that at the discretion of the appointing authority, a person may be appointed to the position of town accountant for a term of not more than five years and until a successor is qualified. The town clerk, if he holds no other office involving the receipt or disbursement of money, may be appointed to the position of town accountant.

Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Nancy Freer Accounts Payable (508) 278-8600, ext. 2022
Kurt Ginthwain Town Accountant (508) 278-8600, ext. 2004