Capital Planning Committee Joint Meeting with Finance Committee

Lower Town Hall Meeting Room - 21 South Main Street ( with remote option)
Event Date: 
Thursday, April 14, 2022 - 6:00pm


          On June 16, 20211 Governor Baker signed into law An Act Extending Certain COVID-19 Measures Adopted During the State of emergency, This Act includes an extension, until April 11, 2022, of the remote meeting provisions of his March 12, 2020, Executive Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law, The new law allows public bodies to continue providing live "adequate1 alternative means" of public access to the deliberations of the public body1 instead of holding meetings in a public place that is open and physically accessible to the public. "Adequate, alternative means" may include, without limitation, providing public access through telephone, Internet, or satellite-enabled audio or video conferencing or any other technology that enables the public to clearly follow the proceedings of the public body In real-time, Also, the new law authorizes all members of a public body to continue participating ln meetings remotely; the Open Meeting Law's requirement that a quorum of the body and the chair be physically present at the meeting location remains suspended, A reminder that persons who would like to view/listen to this meeting live may do so by watching the Government Channel@ WWW or on Uxbridge Community Television Channel 191 or via Zoom and can you the Zoom phone number to comment. For those unable to watch it live, you may view the recording of the meeting on the Government Channel@ HTTP: //archive,,

This meeting will be held in-person & via Zoom,

Zoom Meeting Info: https·//Uxbridge, or go to and enter the meeting id and password. Or participate by phone, dial: 646-558-8656, Meeting ID: 8271131577, Passcode: 222222, Public Participants will be allowed to make a comment or question to the FinCom Chair in person by raising their hands and via the Zoom using the hand-raising function,